Announcer 0:02
Welcome to Getting AheadShot. a show for anybody wanting to get ahead in life join conversations between international award winning photographer Lane Hickenbottom and his clients who while Getting AheadShot offer relatable tips and strategies on a variety of topics, and now here’s lane.
Lane Hickenbottom 0:25
So one of the cool things about this podcast is getting to talk to experts about topics that interest me as a small business owner. Today’s episode is gonna be one of those conversations. My guest today is an online marketing expert, international radio host, author and speaker. her recent book titled Engagement, Equity helps people deepen relationships in both their personal and professional lives, Earn the Ask, basically preaching the notion that you have to earn the right to ask anybody, anything by first giving them enough value. She is a co owner of Pixel Fire Marketingg here in Omaha. And she’s also just an all around great person to know, Angela Chaney, it is great to have you on the show.
Angela Chaney 1:11
Thank you, Lane. I really appreciate being here.
Lane Hickenbottom 1:15
Yeah, so Angela, I’m just gonna get right to it. You know, I’ve got all these really great photography services, I have to go into greater detail on them. But do you want to buy one?
Angela Chaney 1:26
First of all, I have bought one. So So there’s that. But But what’s funny is, you know, I know you said that to be ironic. But you know, that’s that’s what people do all the time in, in every facet of their life. They just come barreling out with an ask that they haven’t earned. And then they wonder why people don’t say yes. So that was a great little illustration about, you know, what Engagement Equity is all about. But I have already bought one. So it worked just because you’re a heck of artist.
Lane Hickenbottom 1:56
Oh, thank you so much. You know, and hopefully that wasn’t the first way that I approached you.
Angela Chaney 2:01
No, no, not at all.
Lane Hickenbottom 2:04
Share with me the share with me the the concepts of Engagement Equity.
Angela Chaney 2:10
Sure. So Engagement Equity is is based on the 8020 rule. And you hear the 8020 rule a lot. And it means different things. So when we were first doing this, I was like, Oh, the 8020 rule. This makes sense. But it’s like the 8020 rule can be the I think it’s the Pareto principle, which is saying that 20% of your tasks, net, you 80% of the results that you want, it can you know be the 20% of the countries have 80% of the world’s wealth, you can hear it a lot of different ways. So that’s why we decided to give it the name Engagement Equity to really define what it means as our concept. And basically what it means is that with every relationship you have, whether that’s a relationship with your prospects, a relationship with your networking group relationship with your child, that you need to be giving value 80% of the time, so you can earn the right to ask for things 20% of the time. So the The concept was really born with social media, because that’s if you know Gary Vaynerchuk, Gary Vee, anyone in the digital marketing realm probably knows of him. He preaches that all the time. And his book Jab, Jab, Jab, Right cross is basically that concept that jabs are the giving value, the right cross is the ask. And so it’s that same concept. So a social media, a good way to illustrate that is 80% of your posts should be about giving value to those who follow you. And by giving value. I mean, sharing interesting articles, talking up somebody else in your network, sharing informative graphics, and then only 20% of your social media should be asking for something. And that asked can be as small as go take a look at my website, or as large as hire me to take pictures at your wedding. So a lot of people on social media, a lot of businesses make the mistake of just asking, asking, asking, asking. And you know, like what you did with me to illustrate how jarring that can be? A lot of people don’t realize that when they’re on social media, it’s just boom, you know, here’s why I’m great. Here’s why you should hire me. Here’s why I’m better than everyone else. They’re just asking, asking, asking and they’ve not earned the right to do it. They’ve not given enough value for their followers to say, Okay, yeah, I’ll do something for him too, because he’s done so much for me. So that’s that’s the 8020 rule Engagement Equity. In a nutshell,
Lane Hickenbottom 4:39
the word equity I immediately think about home ownership.
Angela Chaney 4:44
Lane Hickenbottom 4:44
And if Yeah, if you have, if you basically have 100% mortgage, you don’t put anything down. You have zero equity in your home. And as you make payments, as time goes on, you build up that equity which Basically, in in the realm of homeownership means you have more rights. Here, you start to own, own the right to do whatever you want with the, with the house without the bank’s permission. So Exactly,
Angela Chaney 5:14
yeah. And we, we started using it because we would explain the 8020 rule to clients and they just didn’t get it. But then we started using the illustration of a bank account. And and when we started using that illustration, it was, you can’t go to your bank account that you’ve put no deposits into and take a big withdrawal, you know, they’re not going to let you do it, there’s nothing in there. And so if you look at your relationship with each group of people, each individual person in your life as its own bank account, it you know, that visual really stuck with people. So it’s like, okay, I give value, I put in a deposit, I give value, I put in a deposit in and you do that enough times, then you go to take a withdrawal out, you’ve got a full bank account. So you can you can take the withdrawal, your yes will be accepted, because you’ve put enough in there that you can go in and withdraw some some equity to get what you want.
Lane Hickenbottom 6:09
Absolutely. In your work, you talk about the concept of power players, what are the power players,
Angela Chaney 6:16
so power players are easy ways to make deposits, that that resonate with everyone. And and the reason we did the power players is because you can talk about, you know, this giving value, all you want, but a lot of people are like, oh, not quite sure how to give value to my clients, I’m not quite sure how to give value to my employees. Because the concept works with everyone in the book, we have chapters on Engagement, Equity at work, Engagement, Equity, and friendships, Engagement, Equity, and networking, romantic relationships, you know, with your spouse or significant other. So there’s so many different aspects to this, but the power players are just easy ways to to give that good punch of value. And so an example of a power player is the Platinum rule. So you’re familiar with the golden rule, right?
Lane Hickenbottom 7:06
Treat others how you want to be treated. Right,
Angela Chaney 7:08
right. Right. And, and that’s great. You know, for some situations, that’s great when you’re when you’re doing Engagement Equity with strangers, because you don’t know them, you don’t know what they want. So the golden rule is great there, you know, you’re courteous, you’re kind you don’t, you know, hit him over the head, the first time you whatever, you know, whatever you, however you want to be treated. But the Platinum rule takes that a step further and says treat people as they want to be treated. Because we’re all different. And the way I want to be treated is probably not the way you want to be treated, I have different values. I have a different love language. If you’ve read the books love language, mine is words of affirmation. That’s my big one. And my husband’s is acts of service. So we had you know, troubles in the beginning, because I kept showing love with my own language. And he wasn’t really responding to it. And he was showing love in his own language. And I was feeling very unloved, even though he was, you know, taking my car to get the oil changed. And, you know, doing all these acts of service in his own love language. It wasn’t translating to mine. And so he was treating me with the goat with the golden rule. He was treating me the way he wanted to be treated. And I was treating him with a golden rule I was I love you, you’re so wonderful, all the things I wanted to be hearing, instead of realizing what he really would rather I do is baking some cookies, and go pick up his prescription at CVS, that was saying I love you in his language. So the Platinum rule is one of the big power players. Another is listening. And, and I love talking about listening because most people think they’re good listeners. And most people think that nobody listens to them. So we can’t both be right. And and the truth is that most people just aren’t good listeners because what we’re doing, and we’re not doing it because we suck or because we don’t weren’t interested in the other person. It’s kind of human nature to always be thinking of ourselves. That’s our only view is through our own eyes. That’s that’s how the world is. And so when somebody’s talking to you, even on our best days, if we’ve got the best intentions, likely what we’re doing is formulating a response in our heads to what they’re saying. And as soon as you start doing that you’ve stopped listening to them. And it can be with the best of intentions. It can be Oh, I’ve got a story that will relate to this. And I love to hear that or I can add something to this and that’s giving value. And none of that’s true. You know, as soon as you stop listening and tune out. You’ve you’ve stopped listening and you don’t understand what they’re saying. You probably Get a horn in with some sort of, Oh, yeah, I’ve been there, listen to what I did. You know, when most people, all they really want is to be heard. You know, most of the time, they’re not asking for advice. They don’t need you to tell them how great they are. They want to be heard and they want their feelings validated. That’s 90% of the time when people talk, that’s what they want. And here we come in with that, Oh, you know what you should do? Or I’ve been there, listen to my story. thing. I mean, we’re relating to them and the other person gets shut down. There’s like, Great, now it’s about you.
Lane Hickenbottom 10:34
Yeah, exactly. So yeah, those are true. As a social media guru. And as somebody who is, is a co owner of really a fantastic marketing company.
Angela Chaney 10:49
Thank you
Lane Hickenbottom 10:49
Yeah, you work with you work with people to help them out on an online in the online world, but really, the concepts of Engagement, Equity, they really transcend into all aspects of life, doesn’t it?
Angela Chaney 11:04
Yep. And, and really, when I started writing about this, and started thinking about this, it was just social media related. And then the more research I did, our book, references, dozens of places where I pulled information from, the more I was reading these books, it’s like, wow, this is not just about social media, this is about life, this is about everything. And so I started to develop them a little further, and it was so easy to go find resources that backed up this concept, because, you know, it’s, it’s everywhere, you know, the way to deepen relationships is, is to think about the other person, and give them some sort of value. So just an example, parenting was one of the chapters I wrote that was very eye opening. And, and that’s because as a parent, often you, you think the wrong way of how to give value to your children. And there’s, there’s different ways you can do it incorrectly, you know, I hate to say incorrectly, but you can do, you know, the one way, which is I’m going to give value to my child by being their friend, and not setting boundaries, and, you know, taking them wherever they want to go thinking we’re giving value, and that’s not. And then there’s the other way of being the authoritarian, you know, driving them to do better and only focusing on their successes rather than their effort. And, and also, I think a lot of us think I’m their parent, that’s all the value I need to give. Now I need to, you know, teach, and I need to do this, and I need to do that. And really, you need to give value to your children before you can earn the right to ask them to go to bed at nine o’clock, or, you know, and and I’m not saying that give value means to give in or to give them money or to buy them things that’s not value to a child, giving value to your child is setting boundaries, because they need and want them giving value to your child is listening to them. Instead of thinking they’re just a kid, they don’t know what they’re talking about, I’m gonna tell them what to do. You know, giving value is treating them with a platinum rule. So learning about your kid, your kids, not a mini you, you know, I even refer to my daughter as a mini me sometimes. And that’s a mistake, she is completely her own person. And as a parent, it’s my job to figure out who that person is. So I can treat her how she wants to be treated. So that one was a fun chapter because there were so many Aha, as for me, as a parent, I was just like, Oh, I don’t do this. Oh, the the big one was, and I pulled this from, I believe it was a Bernie brown book, who I love Bernie Brown, all of her books are fantastic. She’s also got a couple of great podcasts that are that are fun to listen to. But it was one of the biggest deposits we can give our children is when they walk in a room, your face lights up. And that’s it. You smile in your face lights up. But what most of us do and what I am guilty of doing. My daughter walks in the room. I’m like, why didn’t you comb your hair this morning? Are you wearing that today? You know, why is that look on your face because I’m trying to help. I don’t want her to go to school with a rat’s nest for hair. I don’t want her to get teased because she got toothpaste on her face. But all she sees is that she walked in the room and I started being critical.
Lane Hickenbottom 14:27
Yeah, that just seems like a really simple thing. I completely relate though. You know, and maybe even worse is when I walk into their room like oh my gosh, this place is a pit. You know, I’m not earning. I’m not making a deposit right?
Angela Chaney 14:44
And we do that we walk in we say oh my god, this is a pit. Why don’t you and you start making demands you start making asks, immediately, you know, and you’ve got this empty bank account so your kids like Yeah, whatever.
Lane Hickenbottom 14:57
So let’s let’s circle this around to to social media, and it just, for me being a small business person, social media is a very necessary part of, of the way I gain business. So I can’t just ask for the sale right away. So what would be some good strategies for me, you’re a little familiar with with my business. And so I’m just going to ask, without making a huge deposit, I’m going straight for ask,
Angela Chaney 15:34
having me on your show is a huge deposit. So you’ve definitely earned the right to ask. And so I’ll give you some examples of what you would what you would want to do. And then there’s two ways that you can do this with social media. One is, is if you’re running ads, because if you’re running an ad campaign that has all of your asks right there, that is your 20%, it’s done. And it’s really effective, because people expect to be asked with ads, you know, that’s what they are, right? There’s a call to action, there’s a people expect to be sold. And then if you’re running an ad campaign, that’s your ask. So then 100% of your posts should be giving value. So there’s that way to do it, then there is also if you’re not running ads, then you need to hit that 8020 rule with your posts. So what that might look like for you is on a Monday, you share an article about the Omaha community and things are starting to open back up again, this is good news for all small business owners in Omaha as a deposit. Because it’s not about you, you’re talking about something that affects everyone, it’s good information. Okay, so that’s one. And then maybe on Tuesday, you share an article from a different, you know, a different photographer, somebody you know, who’s not a competitor, because they’re out of the market or whatever, about, you know, top five questions to ask a potential wedding photographer, again, it’s not about you, you didn’t write it, it’s not promoting you, it’s giving good information that any bride could learn from. So there’s deposit number two, deposit number three, would be talking about another business owner and saying, Hey, I just went to lunch at at this great restaurant that’s down the street from me, I had this and this and the owner even came out and said hi to me, highly recommended for anyone that’s another deposit. And you’ve also promoted another business owner in town. So there’s your your third, and then your fourth could be maybe sharing a networking event that’s coming up, you know, hey, Omaha entrepreneurs on Friday, there’s this great networking event, there’s going to be over 50 professionals, it would be beneficial for anyone who’s trying to grow their business, again, not about you at all. So now you’ve got your four. And then your fifth is your ask. So then it could be I just put up some great new headshots that I took this past week of Omaha business owners, take a look at this link, if you need to upgrade your headshot to give me a call, boom, there’s your ask. So. So that’s kind of how that would look during one week of social media for you. And it doesn’t have to be, you know, four than one for more than one, you know, you can kind of start switching it up a little, as long as you’re pretty much hitting that that 8020 ratio.
Lane Hickenbottom 18:26
Yeah. So in the example that you just gave you, you really peppered those posts with a really good variety of styles of posts.
Angela Chaney 18:37
Mm hmm.
Lane Hickenbottom 18:38
If if the posts are our deposits to use that language? Do they need to be different? Or can you just be giving out like a real similar variety of posts? You know, and again, thinking just real specifically about me, one thing that I love doing is this podcast will come out and and I would love to make a post about Hey, look at all the great things that that Angela Chaney is doing. She’s an amazing person to find out more. Here’s my ask, check out the podcast. Yeah. Is that is that a deposit or withdraw?
Angela Chaney 19:20
That’s a withdrawal because it’s asking people to listen to your podcast.
Lane Hickenbottom 19:25
Angela Chaney 19:26
So the way to change that to a deposit is I had a chance to visit with Angela Chaney was super impressed and highly recommend that you buy her book, here’s a link to it. So, you know, people will know that I was on your podcast, but it’s not saying go listen to the podcast. It’s saying go buy Angela’s book. So so that would be a way to shift it a little bit. And and I highly recommend you do a post like that and ask people to buy my book. But going back to your question about variety, I like like doing a variety of posts, because it appeals to different people. So for example, if you’re always doing top five questions for brides at all, you’re appealing to our potential brides. And now you’ve lost out on, you know, all these other people that could become clients. So then you throw in a networking thing, well, now you’re appealing to entrepreneurs in the Omaha area. Okay, so you’ve got that little segment, and then you do you know, something else. So the more you can hit, the better. And this also means that you have to know your target audience and know who you’re talking to. So say that all you did was wedding photography, you didn’t do any other sort of photography, your target market is engaged women in their 20s, and you have that hone down, then you can be a lot more specific and do a lot of the same types of posts. Because you’ve only got one target market, you know how to talk to them, you know what they want. But with a business like yours, where you’ve got different verticals, I would suggest having one aimed at each vertical each week.
Lane Hickenbottom 21:02
Okay. That sounds like really good advice. You guys in the audience, you see why I started this podcast, I just basically, I get people in here, and they give me free advice. Tell me how to run my business. And I should be paying good money for this. But thank you so much!
Angela Chaney 21:20
what you’re doing it right. It’s a value to me to be on the show. So so you’re doing it right.
Lane Hickenbottom 21:27
Well, good. And I think anyone who’s tuned in right now, I think this is such fantastic stuff. I really love the concepts that you applied to parenthood and, and just applying this Engagement Equity to all the different aspects of your life. It’s, it’s just, I’m instantly My eyes are open, I’m thinking about Okay, like, how do I, you know, work with my spouse that Yeah, in a way that I’m contributing more than I’m pulling? Yeah. And you could do it selfishly, right. I mean, in a way, you by, you may realize, you may be thinking, Okay, I’m wanting to go on this big golf trip with the guys. And, and I know that, if all I do is just say I’m going, it’s gonna cause a lot of strife in my life. But, but I know that if I make all these good gestures, prior to spring, but yeah, you know, hopefully, hopefully, you’ve you’ve earned that equity. Yes. And Earn the Ask.
Angela Chaney 22:45
Yeah. And it’s not selfish at all. Because what is selfish should be like, this is what I’m doing out. You know, so giving that equity first, is is not at all selfish. And, and when you first brought up selfish, it also made me think of really what ties all of this together, because when I first wrote the book, this last part was not in it. And I felt that something was missing. Because I was like, there’s just something else that needs to tie this together. And that’s when I came up with the radiate outward concept. And, and what that means is in both your personal and professional life, you’ve got circles. So think of a small circle, with a bigger circle on top of it with a bigger circle on top of it, your life looks like that. So in your personal life that looks like that inner circle is you. The next circle out would be your significant other, the next circle out would be your kids, the next circle out would be your friends. So if you can kind of visualize that, in your professional life, the inner circle is you. The next circle is your partners. The next circle is your employees. The next circle is your clients. So what radiating outward means is you’ve got to fill those middle circles first, before you move on to the next one, and give value there, then those have to be full before you move on to the next one. Because what a lot of people will do is they’ll go straight to those outer layers because they’re easy. It’s easy to make a deposit with a stranger. You know, I give five bucks to the homeless guy on ok deposit. Yeah, I feel good about myself. Or, you know, I give a compliment to a shopkeeper. Yeah, I feel good about myself. That’s easy to do, because we don’t have deep personal relationships with them. And we don’t ever have to see him again. It just has that quick hit of look at what a great person I am. But if you do too much of that and you don’t take care of the inner circles, it all kind of crumbles in on itself. So that middle circle is always you, you as a business owner or you as a person, and so you need to be making enough deposits into your own account. Before you can start Taking care of others. So that’s, you know, the concept of self care. It’s not at all selfish, because how can I be good for my daughter? How can I be good for my husband? How can I be a good friend when I’m completely depleted, because I don’t get enough sleep, because I’m doing everything for everyone else, or I didn’t take time to exercise. So my mental health isn’t quite right. If I haven’t filled those up, then I can’t be good for others. And it’s that concept of giving to give, instead of giving to receive, and they seem, you know, similar, but they’re really not when you look at it. So say, I walk into, into the living room, and my husband’s sitting there in his chair playing a video game, and I say, I love you, because he hasn’t said I love you for a few days. And I really want him to say it. So that’s giving to receive. And that means my inner circle is, is empty, I need something from him. So I’m going to manipulate him, but I’m going to disguise it as doing something nice. You know, whereas if I had filled that inner circle, I can walk in, ruffle his hair, say love you baby, and I’m out. That is giving to give, I know it made him feel good, I need nothing in return. That’s giving to give, and you can only give to give when you’ve got those inner circles full when that bank account is full.
Lane Hickenbottom 26:21
This is amazing stuff. I I love this conversation we’re having you know, before, before we start telling our audience where they could find you is, is there is another aspect of this that you’d like to dive just a little bit deeper. And,
Angela Chaney 26:40
you know, that’s probably a bad question, because I could talk about all day, umm
Lane Hickenbottom 26:46
I could listen,
Angela Chaney 26:47
it’s just it’s such a fascinating stuff to me, I I’m a psychology, I have a psychology degree, that’s what I was going to go into. So I am always about let’s dig a little deeper, let’s dig a little deeper. And and sometimes it gets too deep. But I think you know, we had a nice overview of what it is. And hopefully it will encourage people to learn more about it. I talked about friendships, which that one is really interesting, because it’s truly the only relationship in our lives that is 100% based on choice. And that changes it. Because after you, you know, after you’ve married your spouse, the choice, you know, you can you can get divorced, of course, but you know, just go in and be like, oh, drop this one, pick up that one. Okay, now I’m going to have three, no, I’m going to have one good one. That’s what we do with friendships, and they can change, you know, on a whim. And so that one’s really interesting, because when you have relationships 100% built on choice, it just changes the dynamics. So that was a fun, fun chapter to write, because I did a lot of research on that, of friendships in adulthood, and what those look like, and it was big aha, to me, because I struggle with friendships sometimes. And I didn’t understand why. And it was really interesting seeing how adult friendships work and how to best make deposits into those accounts. And I guess the only other thing that I would definitely want to, to say is that you don’t get taken advantage of when you use Engagement, Equity, I think that’s a lot of people’s fear. If I give and giving give, people are going to take advantage of me, you know, there and and while that may happen every once in a while, what happens when you start using the concepts of Engagement Equity, is it will prompt others to do it as well. So it’s kind of that whole when we rise, others rise with us. And and you’ll find that other people start using utilizing Engagement Equity, even if they don’t know what it is if they’ve never heard of these concepts, because you’re setting the precedent. And and you’re showing them how it’s done. So you don’t get taken advantage of. But there is a power player called closing the account. And that means there are some people that you can just be like, okay, they’re takers. And this is taking away from my inner circles. I’m giving too much to this account. And it’s taking away from the truly important inner circles. So I’m just going to decide to stop putting deposits into this account for now. So there are boundaries involved. There are definitely boundaries involved. But for the most part, once you start doing this, other people are going to give more as well.
Lane Hickenbottom 29:37
That’s a really cool is there. I would love to hear if there’s just one real specific It could even be a small nugget and it could be for any type of friendship. Is there one piece of advice related to Engagement Equity that you give for for friendships?
Angela Chaney 29:57
Sure. The big one that was interesting to me is that we, especially women, friends, we all have a different threshold of communication of how much we need to communicate with a friend to feel like the connection is secure. And it’s called low touch and high touch friendships. And so my best friend is a very high touch, friendship person, she needs to be talking on the phone all the time, and we got to set up our next trip and, and this and that, and I’m a very low touch, friendship sort of person. I’m like, if we talk every couple months, then it’ll be just fine. And we still know we’re friends. But and so this was a huge conflict with us for a long time, because I wasn’t giving deposits to her, because I would not answer her phone calls because I was busy. And, you know, I’d pushed aside the trips until I had time. And our friendship really suffered from it. So understanding that she was very high touch and that I was very low touch, we were able to come to more of a compromise we were able to talk about, it’s like, Listen, you have more need for connection as a friend than I do. So I will try a little harder. And you need to expect a little bit less. And, and that’s how we can come together. And that’s worked very, very well. For us. It wasn’t that I was like, Okay, I’ll become the high touch friend that you need, because that would be not taking care of myself. And and she couldn’t say, Okay, I’m gonna completely, you know, drop my expectations by half. That’s not fair to her. But being able to talk about it and say, This is why we’re different. And this is how we can come together in the middle. And I understand if that means she needs a different best friend who can give her that. That’s okay, you know, that’s what she needs. And that I dropped to a lower level of friendship with her. But it’s understanding that everybody’s not the same. It’s that it’s that Platinum rule. People are not the same, our expectations are not the same. And it’s a deposit. And it’s an act of love to find out who that other person is and what they want.
Lane Hickenbottom 32:04
Wonderful, Angela, this is so awesome. Everyone out there listening. Unfortunately, we’re gonna have to wrap up this conversation, but the conversation is absolutely ongoing. Angela speaks about this passionately, through her radio show through her book. If you want to know more about about Engagement, Equity, and in hear more from Angela, who I think it’s clear to anyone who’s listening she is, is not only passionate, but very knowledgeable in this. So check out Like I said earlier, Angela is a co owner of Pixel Fire Marketing here in Omaha. But if you go to and check out the about page, there is a landing page for Engagement Equity there. Also check out Earn the Ask with Angela Chaney Facebook page. And they’ll be in the show notes of today’s episode. There’ll be several other social media links, pointing you to to Angela Chaney. Angela, thank you so much for for joining me. Thank you for Getting AheadShot
Angela Chaney 33:13
Well, thank you. And I do want to let everyone know when you go to that Facebook page, when you go to the landing page. All of those images were done by Lane, and I hate having my picture taken. I don’t think I look like it when I see my pictures on Do I look like that? And it’s very, very difficult for me to get a picture I like and I loved almost every single one of the images Lane took and they’re my most favorite headshots ever. So make sure you check those out Lane did all those and and he’s just an awesome photographer. And I really appreciate you having me on the show.
Lane Hickenbottom 33:49
Oh my gosh, thank you for the kind words. You’re amazing. I’m just glowing right now. So thank you so much.
Angela Chaney 34:00
Thank you and thank you everyone for listening.
Announcer 34:07
Thanks for listening to the Getting AheadShot podcast, recorded inside the Omaha headshot company studio to support the podcast, share it with others post about it on social media or leave a five star review to learn more go to Getting We look forward to seeing you next time.
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