March 16, 2021

The business of marriage with Joel and Kate Rudloff

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Getting AheadShot
The business of marriage with Joel and Kate Rudloff

Show Notes

A Final Take owners Kate and Joel Rudloff are a videographer power couple. In this conversation with Lane they discuss tips to tackle running business and a household as a couple who have significantly different approaches, but seek common goals.

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Announcer 0:02
Welcome to Getting AheadShot. A show for anybody wanting to get ahead in life join conversations between international award winning photographer Lane Hickenbottom. And his clients who while Getting AheadShot offer relatable tips and strategies on a variety of topics, and now here’s lane.

Lane Hickenbottom 0:26
So just two episodes ago, we discussed the juggling act that occurs when a person decides to pursue their passion in the form of a side hustle. The day job, the side job, family life, they all pull for, for a share of the time. It’s a juggling act indeed. Today’s guests are juggling experts. But there are more than just that. Kind of like Bonnie and Clyde, Rachel and Ross, or Beyonce and Jay Z. These two are a power duo. And they have ran multiple businesses together. And as a couple, they run A Final Take, which is a company that provides commercial videography, and is, in my opinion, Omaha’s premier wedding film making company. I’m so happy to introduce to you guys, Kate and Joel Rudloff.

Joel Rudloff 1:17
Hey, man, thanks for having us.

Kate Rudloff 1:18

Lane Hickenbottom 1:19
Oh, yes, absolutely. Thanks for thanks for joining the show. I kind of feel like I should put out an audience disclaimer here that we’ve known each other for a long time we’ve gotten we’ve been good friends for a long time. Last last year, I can’t remember exactly when but shot a a branding session. You guys it was one of the really, we had a beautiful night. Yeah, some pretty amazing photos of the sky just turned phenomenal. But the disclaimer to the audience is we know each other pretty well. And we already got into a little bit of a giggle fest.

Joel Rudloff 2:03
We’re gonna do the best we can to get through this without, you know, being too unprofessional here.

Lane Hickenbottom 2:08
Yeah. I think we’ll be just fine. We’re gonna have a good time. So the topic of today’s today’s show is, is running a family business basically, like running a business as a couple. And and you guys have done it more than once, haven’t you?

Joel Rudloff 2:29
multiple times? Yes. Yes. And for a number of years. Yeah.

Lane Hickenbottom 2:33
Yeah. And as we are knocking out the giggles a little bit, how much of a role does laughter need to play in this?

Joel Rudloff 2:43
Laughter needs to be in everything.

Lane Hickenbottom 2:48
So So let’s talk about the the trials and tribulations. What was what was the first foray into getting into a business together? What did that look like for you guys?

Joel Rudloff 3:00
You know, I think with I mean, just like with any business, when you’re first you know, or any relationship when you’re first getting involved, you know, there’s a lot of excitement, there’s a lot of just figuring things out. And, you know, we made mistakes, both business wise and personally, and also with our relationship, you know, too many times, but over over the years, you really just kind of find your, your niche and kind of what works with each other and how to find that balance of, you know, being a business together as a husband, wife, a big part of it is also where’s that separation, you know, otherwise you can get into those times where it feels like everything is business related, you know, you go on a date, and you can’t help but just talk about business or talk about what you’re doing together. Because it consumes so much of your life. So I would say probably the biggest thing is just finding that separation of how to separate that when you get started. You’re so excited about it that consumes everything, but at some point you have to just figure out how to balance that.

Lane Hickenbottom 4:02
One of the first questions I guess, like I asked about getting started running a business but I’m kind of curious to hear about your guys’s transformation a little bit. You guys have ran A Final Take, which is is DJ and films as time goes on. That that business is is changing a little bit. You know, in you guys, definitely finding an awesome niche providing a real premium service. You you’ve ran a an event venue in and a T shirt printing or not just t shirt printing business together. One of the first things that that I can’t help but notice is you guys have different personalities. You know, if I ask a question I’ve just kind of anticipate Joel answering, right?

Kate Rudloff 5:07

Lane Hickenbottom 5:09
What is you guys are transforming A Final Take. One thing that I’ve noticed is happening is you guys are merging more and more into a field that Kate is really the expert in. How does it work to have? Joel you’ve you’re kind of this alpha figure in a lot of ways. But really, Kate’s the boss of this, isn’t she?

Joel Rudloff 5:36
She’s always the boss anyways, so.

Kate Rudloff 5:40
So um, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of the enneagram. But we recently took that last year. And I am a enneagram four. And Joel is a wonderful intagram seven. So what is funny with that is,

Joel Rudloff 5:56
if you’re the individualist

Kate Rudloff 5:58
I am the individualist and creative. And the seven is the enthusiast to where we start with something small, like you just want to make t shirts out of your basement. And next thing you know, you have a shirt shop. So but that’s what is great about us, though is a lot of the times I will have ideas, and the person that executes it is Joel

Joel Rudloff 6:26
is Kate Kate is really she’s the she’s the dreamer. She’s the creative she she’s the one that comes up with these ideas like, Oh, I want to do this, or I want to do that. Or I have this concept for how this might work or something of that sort. And since I’m the one who’s the Dewar. A lot of times she’ll have an idea. And I’ll say, Yeah, that sounds great. I know I can get it done this way for you. And then we kind of have that conversation. So, you know, a lot of times it comes down to she’s the big picture. She’s the idea person. I’m the one that says, okay, you know, I’m the practical grounded. Let’s make it happen this way.

Kate Rudloff 7:02
Yeah, yeah. And A Final Take didn’t actually I must happen. I was like, I want to have my own wedding videography business, but I just don’t know how to do it. But thanks to this wonderful man. He pushed me and we started it 10 years ago and haven’t looked back.

Joel Rudloff 7:21
It was literally we’re hanging out one night. And she’s like, Oh, I have this idea for you know, for doing this. And I said, Okay, well, what’s the fun name, we threw a bunch of things in the hat and pulled out and figured out A Final Take. And then by the end of the night, I had a website built and you know, and she’s like, Oh, so I guess we’re doing this? And I said, Yeah.

Lane Hickenbottom 7:42
This is a thing now. Who was that before? You’re married?

Joel Rudloff 7:48
Yes. Yeah. Yes. Well, hold on, let me let me because we, we had been thinking about it actually, in retrospect, to be fair, it actually started as Midwest Creative Media productions was the initial, which was about a year before we got married is when we started that. And that’s when we kind of started the idea. And then six months after we got married is when we actually founded A Final Take. So it was a little bit more of a long out process on that point. But once we kind of found it A Final Take, it was almost overnight.

Lane Hickenbottom 8:28
So let’s start getting into some advice that you might give a couple that perhaps they’re looking at starting something brand new together, or maybe one of them already has an existing business, and they’re trying to decide whether or not to fold their, their spouse into into that business. What’s some advice that you might give people?

Joel Rudloff 8:53
I’m trying to not go first, I’m trying to let you go first.

Kate Rudloff 8:56
I want to know what you are going to say

Joel Rudloff 8:58
Well, I think the very first thing and this is one of the things that was the struggle for us was you have to define your roles. You know, the very first thing is you have to figure out okay, what is your partner good at and what is your partner not good at? I am horrible at being task oriented with, like getting paperwork filed, or, you know, filing taxes or things of that sort. I am horrible at that, because I’m such a, I’m a seven, I’m, you know, I want to go do this, I want to go do that I you know, I’m kind of all over the place at times, whereas Kate’s like, no, this needs to get done that needs to get done. And like if I have a list, I’ll get stuff done. But otherwise I yeah, so defining your roles and knowing what you’re good at what you’re not good at. Because the other side of that too is as a partner. I know that there are things that Kate is not going to be good at and so you know if I know that trying to think of something that don’t throw me under the bus. But I’m not, I’m not gonna make her do something that I know that she’s not going to be good at. That’s not her skill. For instance, throwing Kate into a group of let’s say, Kate walks into a group of people, it’s a little bit harder for Kate to get in and just be outgoing and meet people and talk with people. And whereas that’s something where that’s a lot easier for me, I mean, you know me well enough that I’ll jump right in, I’ll have a conversation, I’ll get to know people and I’m fine being outgoing, public speaking, getting out in front of people, or, you know, being in front of a group, that’s something that Kate doesn’t really like very much. And so that’s nothing for me to get out there. You know, a lot of the technical aspects of the editing process or filming or a lot of that, I suck at, you know, I’m good enough behind the camera, I, you know, and she’s trained me very well. And I pick up things very fast. But like the technical aspects of, you know, that or the creative aspects, I should say, like the vision of certain things, that’s Kate. Whereas I’m better at managing people and managing the process.

Kate Rudloff 11:19
I’m good at managing him.

Joel Rudloff 11:21
She’s good at managing me.

Lane Hickenbottom 11:23
Wow. That’s no small feat whatsoever.

Joel Rudloff 11:28
And I think the other side of it, too, is just, you know, like I said, before, you have to find that separation, you have to find that separation of business and personal and, you know, at the end of the day, when the business time closes, you also have to have things that you enjoy to do outside of the business, because you can’t allow the business to run everything for you. You can’t allow the business to run your life, you know, you still have to have a business, or you still have to have a personal life outside of this entity that you created that is providing for you and providing for your family. But you still have to have hobbies and things that you want to do outside of that.

Lane Hickenbottom 12:10
Do you have any strategies? Do you guys just wing that as far as trying to figure out how to avoid business life being life? Or or do you have defined strategies that you try to employ to make sure that happens?

Kate Rudloff 12:28
This past year, I’ve really implemented like, at five o’clock, shut it off. If I’m working at my desk, if I look at it’s five o’clock, I’m done. I’m done with my day, I try not to check emails, I try not, you know, I shut down my editing program. I’m like, I’m done. I need that balance of work and work in life. And we’ve even implemented to like, granted, our kids are young, they don’t have cell phones. But for him and I we don’t have cell phones at the table during dinner. We just, you know, try and shut off those means of communication.

Joel Rudloff 13:05
If we’re on a date night, unless we need our cell phone for like getting movie tickets or looking at addresses or something. We don’t pull out our phones during dinner. If we’re on a date together. We don’t you know, we even if we get caught up talking about business, one of us will catch the other like, this isn’t a business meeting. This is this is our personal time. And then we’ll find you know, we’ll talk about other things or even just being able to enjoy our time together. The other side of it too, is I mean, let’s face it, we’re not always happy together. I mean, there. That sounds bad. But it’s not always always roses.

Lane Hickenbottom 13:47
That’s fair

Joel Rudloff 13:48
Yeah, it’s fair. I mean, there, there are times that we have, let’s call it heated discussions, or we don’t always agree on everything. And in the times that we don’t agree on things, we just always have to remember that we’re coming at it from different perspectives, and sometimes even takes that, hey, we just got to step away from it for a little bit so that we can kind of recollect and look at it from a different perspective. And also, at the end of the day, just remember that, you know, we still love each other at the end of the day. And, again, the business entity is not going to run our life. And so if we don’t agree on the route or the procedure or how we’re doing something, how do we find that middle ground on it? And I’m not always right. You’re not always right. Yeah, but, but at the end of the day, you know, and there are also times I remember, there have been several times that we’ve had to look each other and it’s like, I still love you. But as your business partner, I am not happy with this right now. You know, so you have to find that separation and how that’s going to be And, you know, but always look at it through the Oculus that, you know, you’re still love each other at the end of the day.

Lane Hickenbottom 15:08
Yeah. Do you find that? Like, what does a tiebreaker look like? Because each get one vote, right? Do you guys ever come to situations where you both feel passionate about? It should be this way? Where the other one says it should be that way?

Kate Rudloff 15:31
Yes. For example, and there was one point where the wedding industry was pivoting as far as films go. And I since we’ve been in this so long, we’ve seen everything from filming on mini DV tapes to DSLR cameras coming out and trying to adapt with that. Not only were we trying to be adaptive, adaptive with equipment, but we were also trying to change our style. And so we were very documentary focus on we’re just going to film it and edit it as is, and not really have a flair to it. And I was kind of getting in burnout, where I like, I just needed a change. And I approached Joel with it, and he was not open to it. He wanted to stay with where we’re at, because it was comfortable.

Joel Rudloff 16:31
And looking back on now, like it was a very uncreative project. Like, every every product that went out it was, I mean, you could call it a standard template, like, okay, you just shoot, edit it, clean it up, make it look good, pass it off. But for Kate on the creative side, like for me on the business side, like yeah, it’s easy, like, just push it out, push it out, push it out, push it out. But Kate, on the creative side, she wanted more, she wanted to have something that you know, she would connect with, that she would feel good about. And watching kind of the trend across the nation of people wanted something more than just, you know, your parents wedding film, you know, but I wasn’t really open to that because looking at the the numbers, I was like, well, this is selling this is selling like people are buying it people are buying it, why would you want to change things up and you know, but I I wasn’t taking into account the fact that a this is a product that she has to be happy with, because it is her creative product. And it wasn’t until I understood from her perspective of why she was unhappy with it that I understood, okay, this is why we need to try this because it is for her and it’s something that could make our product better and in the end it was the right decision because that’s what made our product better. And that’s what made us be able to push the envelope a little bit more.

Lane Hickenbottom 17:56
I don’t know if Kate has it in her to use these exact words but just in case she doesn’t I just wanted to say Joel you were wrong.

Joel Rudloff 18:08
And I live that and I admit that and absolutely I

Lane Hickenbottom 18:12
No, I gave you a hard time is just because so you know I struggle with the quality of my podcast hosting there’s a lot of endeavors that I try to get into that I may be a success or a failure in but if there’s any one thing that I feel like I know it’s it’s visuals and the the work that A Final Take is putting out right now is just exceptional I mean it takes your breath away you guys are doing incredible work and Joel you earlier in the episode gave credit for that Kate credit for that vision and Kate it really is you’re making incredible work.

Kate Rudloff 18:56
Thank you

Joel Rudloff 18:57
Thank you

Lane Hickenbottom 18:58
yeah I’m halfway tempted to I don’t have any of these questions listed out and I feel like I should be better prepared but it occurred to me not too long ago as being wedding professionals there’s there’s a game that is frequently played at at wedding receptions I don’t know frequently is right word but the shoe game yeah, and I’m not suggesting we play this shoe game first of all this is the podcast is gonna be a very audio driven thing but I kind of be curious to hear just quick answers from both of you.

Kate Rudloff 19:34

Joel Rudloff 19:34

Lane Hickenbottom 19:35
Who is who is the the first amongst you to to admit that you’re wrong?

Joel Rudloff 19:43

Kate Rudloff 19:44
Yeah, Joel

Lane Hickenbottom 19:48
who’s more likely to be wrong?

Joel Rudloff 19:51

Lane Hickenbottom 19:55
Kate agrees.

Joel Rudloff 19:56
I’m a well trained

Lane Hickenbottom 20:03
In the shoe game like a bride and groom, if you’ve ever seen, they get up in front. And it was, it was a pretty awesome game 15 years ago. It’s been done a lot since then. But yeah, the bride and groom sit back to back. And they’re each holding a version of each other shoe and you hold up, you stick up whichever shoe is the person that fits the other one. And, you know if the DJ is doing a good job, which Joel is, is, is, is a fantastic DJ as well as a fantastic videographer. And at the end of it more often than not, I’ve seen. And this is my next question. Which of you loves the other one the most?

Awkward silence

Joel Rudloff 20:56
know that’s. I mean, to be fair,

I don’t know.

Kate Rudloff 21:02
Well, no, like, whenever I see the shoe game, like the bride and groom hold up the shoes together. So I’m like, how do I do this? Do I Do me and

like, we love each other the most.

Joel Rudloff 21:15
We love each other equally?

Kate Rudloff 21:16

Lane Hickenbottom 21:16

Joel Rudloff 21:17
How cheesey is that?

Lane Hickenbottom 21:20
It’s a it’s a good thing. You guys are fun to watch. I’ve never had so much pre show stuff that I think oh my gosh, I want to I want to show this to the world because it’s great to watch you guys interact. Tell me a little bit more about those personality types? Oh,

Joel Rudloff 21:35
the enneagrams?

Lane Hickenbottom 21:36
Yeah, the enneagram. Okay. And so I’m curious to hear if you guys think that if you guys were more similar, you know, they say opposites attract anyway. But if you guys were more of the same personality type, would running a business together still makes sense.

Joel Rudloff 21:57
Um, I think to a certain, I mean, sometimes it can. What I do like about the fact that we do have such different personalities is the fact that we can support each other in ways of you know, Kate kind of fills in the spots where I’m deficit, I, you can help me fill the spots where I’m, you know, less than, you know, little things like, Kate is very emotionally connected. You know, she, she holds a very emotional connection. And there are times that she’ll get an email from someone, and she has a very strong emotional response to, you know, an email that comes in or voicemail or comes in,

Kate Rudloff 22:37
so I’ll type something up. And then I’ll save it. And then I say, Joel, I need you to look at this, because, yeah, I don’t think this is coming across well.

Joel Rudloff 22:49
And so a lot of times, I end up going back in and all you know, because I’m definitely a little bit more of the, the political smooth things over the kind of personality. And also, I’m not that I’m not connected my emotions, but I’m a little bit less inclined to be emotionally focused when I reply to something or, you know, and so I can kind of usually portrayed a little bit better, you know, so there’s just things like that I think is just helps us balance each other out. You know, that does lead to conflict in certain times, but the majority of time, it, that conflict allows us to sharpen each other more, you know, that the old phrase iron sharpens iron kind of thing. You know, us working together, and you know, even though we may conflict at times, especially over lighting at a reception, yes. No, but you know, little things like that, it just it, it does help us make a better product, though, because we’re not just falling in line with each other and doing the same thing. You know, it allows us to question each other and question if we’re doing things properly, or, you know, and so although it does lead to conflict, at times that conflict leads to a better resolution.

Kate Rudloff 24:09
And that too, I feel like with the enneagrams that we are big followers of Dave Ramsey as well. And doing like the Total Money Makeover doing those courses, you have to take an assessment on like, Who’s the free spirit in your family, and who,

Joel Rudloff 24:28
that’s me

Kate Rudloff 24:28
and who is the nerd.

Joel Rudloff 24:29
And that’s her.

Kate Rudloff 24:31
And I really feel like that lines up with the enneagrams to the nerd is like watching every dollar that comes in and out, and we pay off, you know, one debt. Yes. Let’s go to the next one.

Joel Rudloff 24:46
Versus I’m still going back here. Like, oh, you know, it’d be really fun to do a new garden this year or do more vegetables or, you know, hey, another car, hey can we get a camper?

Kate Rudloff 24:57
The next day, we’re redoing a kitchen floor. So, um, you know, and that goes with the the enneagram seven too is like, it starts small. And it turns into something big. But sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn’t.

Joel Rudloff 25:13

Kate Rudloff 25:14
And we’ve learned as we grow,

Lane Hickenbottom 25:17
that’s all you can hope to do is learn as you grow, right?

A big part of running a business is spending money or not spending money. You bring up Dave Ramsey. Are budget decisions? How does that play out as a couple.

Joel Rudloff 25:38
So I will say, five years ago, we were definitely not on the same page. And but we were also in a position where I mean, in full disclosure, we were bringing in more money than we had ever in our lives. I mean, we were, we were making money, but at the same time, we weren’t in a better position in life. Because I mean, we had over $200,000 in debt, mostly in student loans. You know, we just had all this money coming in, but at the same time, we had a ton of money that was going out. And we always growing up, we always learned, oh, you know, to get a better place, just make more money, make more money, well, that never solved our problems. And, you know, I was still in that mindset. And Kate came to me and said, Hey, I want to do this, I want to, you know, fix our place in life, and I want to take care of this debt. And I said, Okay, well, let’s just make more money, you know, we’ll figure it out. You know, the free spirit of me is just like, Oh, I want to figure out and it took a while before she got me on board. And actually, it got to the point where our relationship was struggling. I mean, we were we were constantly fighting, we were constantly just unhappy with each other. I mean, to the point that we were having to go to marriage counseling and figure out, you know, is this gonna work? I mean, we’re five years into our marriage and feel like things are just falling apart. And there’s no, you know, that that connection, that spark is gone. And, but we weren’t on the same page. And so then through that, we kind of got on the same page, and you drugged me into it, because you into it.

Kate Rudloff 27:26
Yeah, it’s a key three months that I got you there,

Joel Rudloff 27:28
she got me there. And then after that, I mean, it kind of took care of itself, because then we started budgeting, and it started with our personal finances, you know, budgeting our personal finances. And then when when we started budgeting that we kind of looked and said, Oh, we probably need to do this to our business, too. Because Dave says, business debt is debt too. And you know, it’s all a part of your finances all together. And so then we wrapped our business finances, with our personal finances, and we set a budget for that too. And that really helped us understand where the money was going, and get on the same page for it. And really just helped us build a better, you know, spot in our life.

Lane Hickenbottom 28:11
You mentioned that it was, maybe there was a rocky spell in there. Is there anything? Was the counseling? Or was there any magic pill that that helped with that? Any advice that you give to somebody?

Kate Rudloff 28:29
Really, in a relationship, business or personal? You just you have to talk about the elephant in the room? Yeah, you gotta lay it out there with the finances, and, and what’s going on. And a lot of the times we talk to other couples or that don’t look at the finances every month together. And so one person is just always paying the bills, and the other person has no idea. And that’s kind of where our finances were a mess is I would pay all the bills and then Joel had no idea what we had or what our balances were or anything.

Joel Rudloff 29:08
You almost I mean, you were he was frustration to the point that you were unhappy with me because I wasn’t helping you out with it. Yeah, but I was unhappy with you because I felt like you wouldn’t let me help you with it. Because, you know, again, Kate’s the individualist. It had to be Kate’s way. And there was some give and take on that too. Because we sat down instead of it being my way or her way. We looked at Okay, this is the Ramsey way. And that was something that allowed us to connect together and Okay, let’s do this the same way together. And admit that Okay, my way is not better. Your Way is not better. We can agree on doing this together. And so we can just come together. And kind of through that. I mean, that was probably one of the most difficult discussions or, you know, agreeances is that we had to come. But after that, that also kind of helps to lay the groundwork of other conversations that we have to have. I mean, I, I am definitely more of a personality, I would rather just brush things I’m, I avoid conflict, whereas I

Kate Rudloff 30:19
lay it out on the table, I Hey, buddy, we need to, we need to talk about this

Joel Rudloff 30:25
But it lays the groundwork for more difficult conversations, you know, whether that be other issues in life or other things that come up, to be able to trust your partner, and I trust her enough to come to you with problems or if there’s issues and you trust me enough to come to me with issues? And there’s not that fear of, am I going to be judged? Or is she going to be upset or it doesn’t matter? Because the truth and us being a team is more important than the uncomfortableness that I might, you know, feel by having this conversation.

Lane Hickenbottom 31:07
That’s wonderful stuff. I think the stuff that you guys are talking about really transcends being a couple that does business together. Because really, whether whether you’re running a business, like you guys are running multiple businesses, like you guys have? Or if, if you’re just running a household, like, like most couples are, yeah, those those same lessons really hold true. You guys before before we end this conversation, is there any other pieces of advice or anything else that this is really been wonderful so far? Anything else that you might want to add? put you on the spot right there? open ended question. Painful,

Kate Rudloff 31:59
um, for anybody looking to start a business couple or individual, if you can make it work, don’t go into debt. Starting it. That’s like, for me, that’s the one piece of advice I would give. For A Final Take, we started it with throwing money from our own pockets to get camera gear and such, never took out a loan or anything. And I’m very thankful for that. Of course, when we had a venue, we did have a mortgage and stuff, but you’re always thinking about, Okay, I need to make XYZ to pay for this.

Joel Rudloff 32:44
what’s what’s amazing to me, though, is when you start a business, if you start a business that is on a cash basis versus having a loan, when you take out a loan, you will always feel that strain of that loan, that’s just overhead, you know, you will always feel that strain of the fact that nothing is yours until that’s paid off. And so I absolutely do agree with that. The other thing that I would definitely say is, early on in any relationship, whether it’s business or a personal relationship, you have to have some sort of defined roles. That is, the biggest tip I could give anyone is you have to figure out what your role is going to be and you have to stick with it. And but you have to be flexible with it. Because you have to be flexible to figure out what is the best way to get something done. And just to take your ego out of it, you know, you can’t have a big ego when it comes to doing business because that’s what gets you into trouble with you know, oh, I can do this myself or I don’t need help with this, you know, because then you will become remorseful and you will also become angry towards your partner because, you know, well why aren’t they helping me? Well, it’s because I’m not letting them help me. You know, you have to find that balance. But you have to share the burden with your partner. And you have to be able to have a strong enough communication line to figure that out.

Lane Hickenbottom 34:14
Really great stuff from both of you. And I really appreciate you guys sitting down and talking with this and and showing some vulnerability. Great conversation. Everyone else out there, you definitely want to take a look at at these guys films. One of the best places to do it is they have a YouTube channel. So check out A Final Take films on youtube. is their website. And they are also very active on Instagram @afinaltake. Kate and Joel, thank you so much for joining me. Thank you for Getting AheadShot with me and and thanks for sitting down and have a beer and conversation with me.

Joel Rudloff 35:00
Thanks for having us land we appreciate having us on.

Announcer 35:07
Thanks for listening to the Getting AheadShot podcast recorded inside the Omaha headshot company studio to support the podcast, share it with others post about it on social media or leave a five star review. To learn more go to Getting We look forward to seeing you next time.

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