The value of New Year’s Resolutions
It’s that time of the year again. You sit down to reflect on the year past and set your sights on the one to come. For many of us, this means making New Year’s resolutions. Why are New Year’s resolutions so important? We’re glad you asked. For one, they help you get closer to the person you want to be. And isn’t that the ultimate goal in life? In addition to that, it helps to know you’re committing to new habits at the same time as many of your fellow resolution makers and that can bring a sense of camaraderie that’s highly motivating.
Why is building a brand important?
As a professional, whether you run your own business or work for an organization, you probably have quite a few career goals that come to mind every time you sit down to make your resolutions. We think that’s pretty great. One of the many ways to further your career is to build a personal brand. This can be done through the experience you give your customers, the colors you use on your marketing materials, and the way you write and talk about yourself and what you do.
Building a personal brand means communicating what makes you unique to others in a memorable way that positions you as an authority in your industry. This is so important because it will ultimately help you advance your career and allow you to make a large impact.
How to elevate your personal brand
Part of building a great personal brand is imagery. Think about the impression you’re making with the photos people are greeted by when they visit your website and social media accounts. Do these images convey confidence and approachability? If they don’t, you have a great opportunity to reshape the way people perceive you through photos that do.
With more and more business being done online, a great headshot helps you stand out from the crowd and elevate your personal brand. While everyone else is using selfies for their Zoom, Slack, and LinkedIn profile pictures, you’re investing in your brand by getting a professional headshot that reflects the elevated version of yourself you’re striving to become.
We hope this blog post has inspired you to think of ways to build or elevate your brand in the new year. If you’re looking to build or elevate your brand, getting a new headshot is a fantastic first step. The best version of yourself is just around the corner!